
Daniel Pocock launched the JuristGate investigation with a detailed blog post on 7 October 2023. The JuristGate.com web site continues the story in both English and French.

  • Unredacted FINMA judgment into Parreaux, Thiébaud & Partners / Justicia SA [TOP SECRET]

  • GCHQ puzzles & FINMA Swiss secrets solved by the Irish

  • Conférence latine des Batonniers warned lawyers in Cantonal bar associations FR, BE, GE, JU, NE, TI, VD and VS

  • Edouard Bolleter & PME Magazine news report reads like paid advertising

  • Litigium: Nati Gomez, Mathieu Parreaux, jurist who didn't pass bar exam on cross-border radio program with Benjamin Smadja

  • Clémence Lamirand published an article in AGEFI, Mathieu Parreaux never passed the bar exam

  • Luc Zimmermann (Geneva city council, Le Centre political party) advised Software Freedom Institute on trademark registration

  • Cross border crime: sale of Swiss insurance in France and European Union without authorisation

  • 20,000 victims of unauthorized Swiss legal insurance scheme

  • JuristGate: Invoices for worthless Swiss legal insurance