Luc Zimmermann (Geneva city council, Le Centre political party) advised Software Freedom Institute on trademark registration

When the Software Freedom Institute lodged requests for trademark protection in Switzerland, we made a demand for assistance with the legal assistance service at Parreaux, Thiébaud & Partners.

We benefited from the advice of the jurist Luc Zimmermann.

Monsieur Zimmermann is a member of Le Centre, the same political party as Viola Amherd, Swiss president, former chief of the defence department.

June 2020: he was elected in the Geneva city council.

November 2020, four months later, he joined the team at Parreaux, Thiébaud & Partners.

In the Geneva city council, he has multiple responsibilities:

Leader of his political party, member of finance committee, member of the housing committee and member of the committee for information security and privacy

According to his LinkedIn profile, he worked at various companies: Python & Peter, Budin & Associés et EFG Bank.

He graduated from the l'Ecole d'avocature (school of lawyering), Université de Genève (ECAV).

There were 20,000 victims. How many committed suicide because of these jurists?

Subject: 	Re: marque suisse, notification de l'IPI
Date: 	Fri, 25 Mar 2022 14:45:02 +0100
From: 	Luc Zimmermann <>
To: 	Daniel Pocock <>

Cher Monsieur,

Merci de votre retour.

Je vous reviendrai avec le document révisé nécessaire dans le courant de
la semaine du 28.03.22.

Avec mes sentiments dévoués,


/__ /    Luc Zimmermann

     Titulaire du brevet d'avocat

     Siège de Genève____

     Avenue des Grandes-Communes 8

     1213 Petit-Lancy

     022 342 38 94

Le jeu. 24 mars 2022 à 12:05, Daniel Pocock
<> a écrit :


    Je n'ai pas recu un réponse, il a demandé en réponse debut avril

    Meilleurs salutations


Luc Zimmerman, avocat, Le Centre, Conseil municipal du Genève


Luc Zimmerman, avocat, Le Centre, Conseil municipal du Genève


Luc Zimmerman, avocat, Le Centre, Conseil municipal du Genève