Cross border crime: sale of Swiss insurance in France and European Union without authorisation

We found an Acrobat document, the services promoted to cross border workers and residents of France.

The Swiss jurists never obtained the authorisation for the sale of insurance in Switzerland. At the same time, they never obtained the authorisation for the sale of insurance in France and other countries of the European Union.

Document (evidence).

On the first page, there is a map of France and Switzerland together.

Page 2, the jurists have written:

Only protection juridique franco-suisse


Cases accepted on Swiss soil and Swiss law

Cases accepted on French soil and French law

Page 3, the jurists have written:

The defense of your interests in front of the Swiss and French jurisdictions

This service is the ultimate protection of your interests...


Page 4, the jurists have written:

Professional protection in Switzerland AND private protection in France


From private to professional, from Switzerland to France, we take care of defending your interests legally, without limit, all year.

Page 7, they published several real cases:

I am a cross-border worker and my employer does not do the paperwork for me to obtain a cross-border work permit, can you write a letter to them and/or help me do the necessary paperwork myself?

We will certainly send a letter or contact your employer to regularise your situation. If you wish to do the necessary paperwork yourself, we assist you from A to Z in the procedure, notably acting as an intermediary between you and the Swiss authorities.

The first case study, it was a resident of France who was working in Switzerland.

It is undeniable, they sold an insurance for residents of France without authorisation for the sale of insurance in the European Union.

How many victims have committed suicide after the loss of employment or loss of their business?

Justicia SA, map


Justicia SA, services for cross border workers